One of the things the girls looked forward to this summer was a visit to the glass factory on the Oregon Coast ( We had visited on past summer trips but we had never had time to participate. This year we put it on the schedule and made time for it. Nat made a glass paperweight and Syd made a glass float.
Here are the girls. They chose the glass colors they wanted and then rolled some melted glass in the colors and then returned it to the glass kiln to melt it all together.

Once the glass is melted together they take it our and cool it with a rounded wooded cup that is soaking in the water. The girls then got to pinch the glass to swirl all the colors together. They repeated the process of heating and cooling several times.

At this point Sydney blew through the tube to hollow her glass out into a float.

We left the float and paperweight at the studio overnight to cool. They cool it in a special oven that very gradually lowers the temperature so the glass doesn't shatter.
We spent the night in Yachats, OR looking for our own beach glass. We do this every year and have never found any, but we still have a lot of fun. The beaches here are so much different than California. They are so much more rugged. We always so a lot of ocean life which is very exciting for the girls.