Monday, October 29, 2007

Before & After

The kitchen deconstruction has officially begun. We're taking bets to see if it is completed before Christmas when the whole fam damily arrives. Here are pictures before the demo after we had taken out all of furniture...

And here is after the cupboards and bookcases have been taken down...

And here is after the ceiling has been taken down...

The previous owners just loved the canned lighting. There was so much (25 in all) they had to just tear down the ceiling and start over.


Unknown said...

Looks great!! I'm excited to see the pictures as it continues. What a mess!!

Unknown said...

This looks like a mess. It's so fun to follow the progress with the pictures.

Can't wait -- it's going to be wonderful. Tell Steve to just picture his new TV and sound system and he'll make it.

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Don't use this email address I just sent you as it's the RS one for the newsletter. I'll set up another one under my name. Mom

Meghan said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all you Primary ladies do. It's really a tribute to you that the program was such a raving success (even if it was filled with funny parent moments for us). Can't wait to see the finished kitchen - I'm sure it will be gorgeous!

Janet + Craig said...

Annie, you blogger you! I didn't know you had a blog! Love it. Here's praying Christmas comes fast for you so your construction will be done!

Janet H.